US Rugby Foundation & USA Youth & HS Rugby Partnership
Updated: Aug 7, 2022
Apply for a grant Today!

The US Rugby Foundation is partnering with USA Youth & High School Rugby (USAYHS) to provide seed funding to encourage the formation of new high school rugby programs.
The Foundation is providing $100,000 for this national program to expand high school rugby programs throughout the United States.
“We are happy to support the efforts of USA Youth and High School Rugby to create at least 20 new high school teams around the country.” said US Rugby Foundation President, Brian Vizard.
“Youth and high school rugby is the cornerstone of our mission and always will be. We have an opportunity and the funding available to help grow the sport at the grassroots level and we are going to do it. It is one of the largest grants we have ever awarded, and we think it is money well invested.”
Grant applications must be submitted directly to USA Youth & High School Rugby. They will review all applications and will work directly with the schools to ensure all of the necessary planning has been done. Once USAYHS has approved the grant, a submission of funds request will be made to the US Rugby Foundation.
If your high school is interested in applying for a grant, click the button below.
Applications will be accepted between March 17th and July 31st, 2022 with funding to be made available between September 2022 - August 2023.
The Foundation is most thankful to its donors, Mike Girton and Bill Fraumann, for their generosity and forward-thinking.

RugbyNY is the governing body for youth and high school rugby in the state of New York. They are a member of USA Youth & High School Rugby's Northeast region and are an officially recognized State Youth Rugby Organization (SYRO) by USA Rugby. RugbyNY is registered with the New York State Department of State as a not-for-profit corporation and is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.